Ing. Cesar Adolfo Alvarado Ancieta

  • M.Sc., Dipl.- Ing., M. Eng., Civil Engineer Scientific Researcher / Project Director / Team Leader / International Expert / Resident Construction Manager / POE Team Leader-Chairman
  • River Engineering, Flood Control, Sedimentation, River Morphology, Flood Risk Management, Water Resources, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Urban Pluvial Drainage, Seaoutlet Hydropower & Dam Engineering & Safety, Irrigation, Water Transfer, Tunnelling & Underground Powerhouse, Pumped Storage Powerplants Water Supply – Water Treatment – Sewerage – Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Member of the German National Committee of Large Dams (DTK) & International Committee of Large Dams (ICOLD). Register 01004. Member technical committee E: Embankment Dams and P: Cemented Material Dams. Member of the Peruvian National Committee of Large Dams (COPEGP) Member of the International Association of Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR) Register. 54999: Committee on Fluvial Hydraulics, Hydraulic Structures & Flood Risk Management Work Group, associated member of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT). G-WG2: Earthworks and Foundations, and G-WG3: Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Work Group, associated member of the German Association of Water Ressources (DWA). Ass. G-WW -2.7: Scour in Hydraulic Structures: Morphodynamics. Member of the Peruvian Engineers Association – Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru (CIP) 47084.
  • Úzká 665, 250 92 Sestajovice, Prague East, REPÚBLICA CHECA Alemannenstraße 40, 01309 Striesen-Dresden, ALEMANIA
  • E-Mail:

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